Have a Pill – Grow a Heart!

Earlier this morning I read an article on Facebook off HuffingtonPost.com.

Seems there is a new diabetic med on the market that helps remove sugar from the patient by releasing it in the urine. The side effect is fungal and urinary tract infections.

I’m sorry, what?

A UTI? Seriously?

I’m not sure if anyone reading this has suffered from a UTI but it’s the most horrible feeling!!! It’s the sensation of having to pee and nothing comes out! Literally. You are never satisfied or relieved to have gone. You get off the toilet to want to sit back down. In the end it leads to blood in the urine and it’ll travel up to your kidneys and turn in to a kidney infection which is even more fun!!! It’s pretty much downhill from there.
** My disclaimer – I am not a DR I simply suffered from them and went to my DR for treatment…. This is my own experience **

I used to get it quite a bit, didn’t know why. Turns out that uncontrolled high glucose levels leads to UTI’s and yeast infections. Sign me up for that party!!!!

I never said diabetes wasn’t a fun disease 😉

So anyway here’s this new pill. I decide to sit and read the comments.

There are two people on this planet….. There is technically a third but those are the ones that keep their opinions to themselves….. (I usually fall in to this category cause I just ain’t got time for cyber drama. Please come speak to me to my face where I can LOOK at you with the “you’re a total idiot” face.)

There are the people who think this can easily be corrected by having the “fat slobs” quit “eating crap” and “lose weight”. They make it sound real simple. Thank you people with fast metabolisms who have never had to experience a sugar/carb withdrawl at this level. God bless you, you’re truly lucky. One day your metabolism may slow down and I pray that you have learned something healthy you can apply to the weight that will creep up on you while you sleep from your thyroid, a new medication, old age, pregnancy, long work hours…….. just life in general.

Please don’t bitch, though,the day someone responds to your moment of honesty with the same response you have given others. God has a funny sense of humor 😉 we all get ours at some point.

Then there were those who were struggling and voiced their struggle to what is obvious a group of those who understand the struggle and those who think we’re just a bunch of fatties not willing to put the slice of cake down.

Guys, food is a drug. It’s the worst type of drug. It’s accessible. It’s cheap. Doesn’t require an ID or a certain age to consume. It’s a quick fix that makes us all feel warm and happy inside. It comforts. It fills us. It promises a satisfaction that sex and family can’t even fulfill. It’s highly addictive.

This is the life of a person struggling with food monsters. I lost myself to many Cherry Garcia’s in my life. I loved him more than I loved myself at times. Actually I DID love Cherry more than myself – enough to give myself diabetes.

I had realized that I would die through my mouth. That would be the end of me. My mouth would kill me and what I put in it.

So here are some poor folks commenting about their struggle and having some ignorant ass remarks left by the non-empathetic folks……. So I chimed in.

I don’t chime in. Ever! I am a firm believer an opinion is like an asshole – we all have one. Social Media to me is just that – to be social. But I really did feel something for these poor people who hadn’t yet found their moment of triumph and were struggling. So I chimed in. No one who is fat and fighting food monsters is in need of being reminded their fat or lazy when they are struggling with trying to figure out which exercise/diet works.

Why have we as humans becomes so uncaring toward our fellow man and their struggles?

The person beside you is struggling just as hard as you are – it’s something different than your struggle – but it’s not easy for them either. And just cause it’s not YOUR struggle doesn’t mean it’s less tough.

So I left my little 10 cent comment: I had been a Type 2 for 8 years….. blah blah blah….. diet and exercise and clean eating….. I understand it’s hard but it’s possible…… and do I truly want to suffer from a UTI for a slice of pie??

The comments didn’t get any better afterward but the fat slob comments seem to have stopped as well. People started leaving comments about diet and exercise. Commenting on the illness related to having those two side effects and how it was fatal. The whole thing changed.

I haven’t logged on again and I honestly don’t care anymore.


I haven’t walked a mile in many peoples shoes. I have worn my own. Mine at times have been tough. Tough to me. Doesn’t mean your shoes are any easier to you. But that doesn’t mean you’re struggling less or it’s less hard or hurts less.

When someone is broken enough to throw a rope for help……. Don’t take a knife to it. Pull it in. Help them. Care. It doesn’t make you weak or whatever stupidity you think it leads to. It makes you human, caring for your fellow man.

When we stop caring for others don’t be offended when we stop caring about you.

As for my diabetic friends…… keep fighting a good fight. We are all given the opportunity to change….. our mind, our opinion and our lives. The wide road is often traveled because it’s easy and lazy and leads to hell, death and distruction. The road to heaven and to your goal is hard, narrow, winding, difficult and very well worth the long and tedious trek.

Keep it up. I’m cheering you on!


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